Miskolc – Art

Miskolc Gallery

An affiliate of the Herman Otto Museum, this gallery is the first of its kind outside of Budapest and plays a crucial role in promoting contemporary art in Hungary. It offers a range of programs as well as a Triennale in Graphic Arts. Visitors can find a range of famous art nouveau works as well as other contemporary styles, including a variety of media and illustrations utilized to bring the works of art to life.

Kepcsarnok Kft.

This gallery is part of a nationwide network called “PICTURES” and includes a one-story circular gallery room in one of the city’s most elegant galleries. The location includes a gallery and separate exhibition space, which plays host to regular thematic exhibitions. Visitors can enjoy constantly changing exhibits including paintings, ceramics, statues, enamels, jewellery and more. Many of the unique works are from artists in Hungary as well as nearby Transylvania, Upland and Southern and Transcarpathian artists.